Bird/Nature Tour at Stratford Point – August 8, 2015
Bird/Nature Tour at Stratford Point – August 8, 2015 Audubon Connecticut, the U.S. Coast Guard and RTPI will be having an open house at Stratford Point, 1207 Prospect Drive in Stratford, Connecticut on Saturday from 9 AM – 3 PM with bird/butterfly walk/tours of the property at 9 AM, 11 AM and 1 PM. Join RTPI Conservation & Outreach Coordinator Scott Kruitbosch for a bird and nature tour at 1 PM. The globally Important Bird Area is always abuzz with life in August as insects and birds use the site as a feeding and stopover area. Expect to see some butterflies, dragonflies and a...
Read MoreSnowy Akeley Trail
This is a very snowy trail at the Akeley Swamp Important Bird Area in Warren County, Pennsylvania. Doesn’t just looking at this make you want to make the hike all the way to the end? You may want to put your skis or snowshoes on first…
Read MoreGet outside and find Rusty Blackbirds
This gorgeous scene is on the trail at the Akeley Swamp Important Bird Area in Pennsylvania. It is a prime location to find Rusty Blackbirds (Euphagus carolinus) during migration and October is the right time to spot them. They can be found in wooded wetlands, marshes, ponds and agricultural areas mixed in with flocks of other species like the Common Grackle, Red-winged Blackbird and Brown-headed Cowbird. If you see any please enter them into eBird! Rusty Blackbirds are one of the fastest declining species in North America and we need all the data and information on them we can get to help...
Read MoreSunny Pennsylvania woods
It was difficult to find the sun on this cold autumn weekend thanks to the lake effect rain and clouds coming off of Lake Erie. I managed to find some light in Pennsylvania, making the woodlands feel all the warmer in the still strong sunshine. There should still be a few more weeks before we see any snow but the birds are beginning to reflect the imminent change with kinglets, always a sign of October to me, filling habitats like this.
Read MoreBeach birds and volunteer monitoring
Yesterday I was a part of beach training for the new volunteer monitors of the Audubon Alliance for Coastal Waterbirds (AAfCW). This session, to help those entering the AAfCW program with how to safely monitor and survey Piping Plovers and Least Terns, was conducted by the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection with staff from Audubon Connecticut and myself from RTPI on hand. AAfCW and our collective staff act as a bridge to aid the State of Connecticut and U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, regulatory agencies for these state and, in the case of the Piping Plover,...
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