Birds and Invasives Presentation at RTPI
Friday February 26 at 6pm Andrea Locke from WNY PRISM will be presenting Birds and Invasives. The relationship between birds and invasive species can be complex. Many invasive species may on the surface seem like a boon for our native birds, but as we look deeper into their impacts on our ecosystems, we see that all isn’t as it once seemed. Some birds are even invasive species themselves. Management can also be difficult due to the complex relationship with invasive species and public opinion. Join Andrea Locke, WNY PRISM Coordinator as she sheds some light on these complexities and...
Read MoreFemale House Finch
Nobody tell this female House Finch that she is chowing down on bittersweet berries on this recent chilly winter day…or maybe we should because undoubtedly she is not receiving a very nutritious meal. That is why they are often the last thing to be snacked on by our feathered friends during the depths of winter. Fear not, birds – we will work our way into spring soon enough, and the songs of birds like the House Finch are filling the air right now… Scott Kruitbosch Conservation & Outreach Coordinator
Read MoreInvasive Species Management Webinar
Today, Wednesday February 24 at 6pm we will be showing the Invasive Species Management: Picking battles large enough to matter and small enough to win webinar by Norris Muth of Juniata College. Norris will be calling in for the discussion portion of the webinar to answer questions from the audience. Webinar description: It is a safe bet that every parcel of privately owned forest land in Pennsylvania has multiple invasive species. With these invasive species posing more problems than can possibly all be solved at once, how can landowners decide when and how to act? We will discuss some ways...
Read MoreNational Invasive Species Awareness Week at RTPI!
National Invasive Species Awareness Week – February 21-27, 2016 RTPI, in partnership with WNY PRISM, will be offering multiple events to the public during week. If you wish to register for one or both of the workshops please fill out this form. Please register by mail or email no later than Sunday February 21st. We will be providing lunch and need to know if you’re coming! Registration forms and checks payable to the Roger Tory Peterson Institute can be sent to 311 Curtis Street, Jamestown NY 14701. Forms may also be emailed to Elyse Henshaw and payment can be made...
Read MoreHWA Survey – RTPI JCC Woodlot
Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Surveys This winter season we will have a series of field surveys in which the public is invited to join and work alongside RTPI, CWC and JCC researchers, conservationists and professors. As we all know, Western New York winter weather can be rather snowy and cold. Individuals interested in participating in surveys should be prepared for the weather with warm clothing and boots. Snow pants and snow shoes or cross country skis are highly recommended when snow pack is deep. Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Survey: Friday, February 19, 2016 at 1pm Join us as we explore our backyard...
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