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Posts Tagged "invasive"

RTPI’s National Invasive Species Awareness Week

Posted on Feb 12, 2016

RTPI’s National Invasive Species Awareness Week

National Invasive Species Awareness Week – February 21-27, 2016 RTPI, in partnership with WNY PRISM, will be offering multiple events to the public during week. If you wish to register for one or both of the workshops please fill out this form. Please register by mail or email no later than Saturday February 20th. Registration forms and checks payable to the Roger Tory Peterson Institute can be sent to 311 Curtis Street, Jamestown NY 14701. Forms may also be emailed to Elyse Henshaw atehenshaw@rtpi.org and payment can be made the morning of the workshop. Monday February 22 at 6pm Ken Parker...

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HWA Survey: February 12, 2016

Posted on Feb 11, 2016

HWA Survey: February 12, 2016

This winter season we will have a series of field surveys in which the public is invited to join and work alongside RTPI, CWC and JCC researchers, conservationists and professors. As we all know, Western New York winter weather can be rather snowy and cold. Individuals interested in participating in surveys should be prepared for the weather with warm clothing and boots. Snow pants and snow shoes or cross country skis are highly recommended when snow pack is deep. Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Survey: Friday, February 12, 2016 at 1pm In addition to our South Valley State Forest site, we are also...

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Lyme Disease Sign

Posted on Feb 4, 2016

Lyme Disease Sign

Here is a terrific educational notice that I enjoyed seeing on the wall during a recent veterinarian visit with my dog. Using artwork created by children to help teach the public educates both the visitors and the children who are creating it. We use the same outreach techniques in the Audubon Alliance for Coastal Waterbirds with signs drawn by hundreds of school children which we then laminate and post on beaches and offshore islands to let beachgoers and boaters know there are endangered birds nesting in the area. We certainly see less damage to them than other more generic, bland and...

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HWA Survey February 5

Posted on Feb 4, 2016

HWA Survey February 5

Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Surveys This winter season we will have a series of field surveys in which the public is invited to join and work alongside RTPI, CWC and JCC researchers, conservationists and professors. As we all know, Western New York winter weather can be rather snowy and cold. Individuals interested in participating in surveys should be prepared for the weather with warm clothing and boots. Snow pants and snow shoes or cross country skis are highly recommended when snow pack is deep. Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Survey: Friday, February 5, 2016 at 1pm As a part of the Hemlock...

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Dead Mouse

Posted on Jan 31, 2016

Dead Mouse

This looks like a White-footed Mouse, and it also looks like a cat kill. My dog Zach located it for us, immediately picking up the scent from probably over 50 feet away. A dead rodent with puncture wounds to the body that is left in the snow seems like a cat’s play toy to me. Other mammals or birds would have scooped it up for a meal and made sure to go back for it, even if they had to drop it. This occurs many, many times…millions upon millions…to small birds and mammals each day because of cats. They kill billions each year for no reason whatsoever apart from their own instincts....

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