Blue Jays on the move?
Whether I have been in New York, Pennsylvania or Connecticut recently it feels like everywhere I turn I see a Blue Jay. Whether it’s one, two, several or more they are filling up every bit of land they can find. I mean this quite literally – every time I walk outside of RTPI it seems as if there are Blue Jays active all over the place. Considering the calendar it occurred to me that we are probably experiencing an influx of migrant Blue Jays. Being such common backyard birds and a widely adaptable species it can be difficult to discern when a Blue Jay movement is taking place. We...
Read MoreSummer Snowy Owls
Here are the eBird Snowy Owl sightings for August and September 2014 only. It seems that there are some birds still lingering since the massive irruption. This year seems to have been another very strong breeding season for the species, albeit further north in some cases. Will they have a large movement south again? We will start to find out the answer in a couple of months. Meanwhile be on the lookout for these unexpected birds…
Read MoreSnowy Owl by Twan Leenders
Yesterday Twan found this Snowy Owl at the Chautauqua County Airport in Jamestown. It had been a while since we had one here and I have a feeling it will be an even longer while before we see one of these beauties around here again. Snowy Owls are on their way back north – hope it’ll be a safe journey for this bird.
Read MoreSnowy Owls, 3.5 days of sightings March 2014
Snowy Owls heading up and out? I can’t be positive but here’s an interesting eBird map for 3.5 days of March 2014 sightings and they certainly look to be further north and clustered even more tightly around some of the major bodies of water. Please keep logging them so we can follow their movement back!
Read MoreSnowy Owl (Bubo scandiacus) by Scott Kruitbosch
Another day, another photo of a Snowy Owl on a utility pole. That’s how we do it here in Western New York this winter. It’s a pleasure to be able to easily add the species to the Great Backyard Bird Count totals. What have you seen thus far for the GBBC?
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