Scott Shalaway – Nature Writer and Bird Biologist – to Visit RTPI
Scott Shalaway, Ph.D. is a certified wildlife biologist, ornithologist, birder, and nature writer. He holds degrees in entomology (University of Delaware), biology (Northern Arizona University), and wildlife ecology (Michigan State). Shalaway has written a weekly nature column for newspapers (including Jamestown’s Post-Journal where it appears every Saturday) since 1986, and has hosted a weekly nature-themed radio show entitled Birds and Nature since 1992. On Wednesday, September 27th, Shalaway will be in the Jamestown area to deliver a series of nature-themed programs. At 7pm, Shalaway...
Read MoreRoger Tory Peterson Takes Center Stage at RTPI
Roger Tory Peterson and his enduring legacy are now front and center at RTPI! This remarkable sculpture of Peterson was created by the talented artist, Margret Joy Flinsch Buba (1904-1998). Visit us soon to view the diverse selection of items that are now on display from our special collections including many pieces of Peterson’s original artwork.
Read MoreField Sparrow
Chautauqua County certainly has an abundance of old farm fields, but we should be hearing more Field Sparrows (Spizella pusilla), and other grassland birds, singing in the fields and other open areas across our region. The prairie habitat that once covered our landscape is long gone, but old, overgrown fields and hay fields provide a decent substitute for grassland birds. Even though their substitute habitat provides most of what these animals need, management practices can be challenges for them. Timing the mowing of these fields is important to protect nesting birds, and cutting in early...
Read MoreNeil Rizos: The Art of Exploration
The Roger Tory Peterson Institute (RTPI) is pleased to present Neil Rizos: The Art of Exploration, on display from September 15 – December 10, 2017. Be sure to check out our upcoming events next week centered on this exhibit which include opportunities to interact with the artist!
Read MoreMonarch chrysalis
To whom does this stunning, sea-green chrysalis belong? Why, to the lovely “Danaus plexippus” of course! Before the monarch caterpillar inside initiated it’s metamorphic transformation, it would have fattened up on milkweed leaves in preparation for the process. Once it emerges, the adult butterfly has a long journey to Mexico ahead. Quite a remarkable life cycle; It’s no wonder that a young Roger Tory Peterson was fascinated with our local Lepidopterans!
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