Brown-headed Cowbird Nestling
This spring and summer seem to have been very successful for the Brown-headed Cowbird. I realize that this is largely anecdotal, but I have had and heard a lot of sightings and stories about various species discovered feeding a hatchling or fledgling Cowbird. From the American Redstart to the Chipping Sparrow, the Yellow-throated Vireo or the Yellow Warbler, an Orchard Oriole and a Common Yellowthroat, a Blue-winged Warbler or this nest that I found and photographed a couple of weeks ago, it has been Cowbirds here, there, and everywhere. What’s the common thread? All of these birds and...
Read MoreSpangled Skimmer
Here is a male Spangled Skimmer (Libellula cyanea) which felt very appropriate for the Fourth of July. Happy Independence Day to all! We hope you are enjoying the holiday outside with our natural friends.
Read MoreDaisies
It is not officially summer until you stop and smell the daisies so please be sure to make the time to do so this week! While Leucanthemum vulgare is a nonnative resident it certainly has its charms if we only think about the aesthetic. It is hard living among so many often beautiful but sometimes invasive species, and while we should work to rid ourselves of the most virulent to human agriculture or other conservation-priority native species and not add to the problem, we can still appreciate something in our environment without feeling too guilty…I hope! Conservation is not easy....
Read MoreJune Drought
Here are a couple more great graphics from the Northeast Regional Climate Center on the dry June we just wrapped up in the Northeast. The regional drought continues and will worsen even after some late week storms. We need significant rain and we need it soon, and for a prolonged period…but that is not in the forecast. As you can see in the table the precipitation stayed to our south causing record and tragic flooding in places like West Virginia. We need more balance, climate!
Read MoreMale Eastern Pondhawk
I was able to spend a little time checking out a couple of usually good spots for dragonflies last week. This lovely male Eastern Pondhawk (Erythemis simplicicollis) was waiting for some females on a leaf on the edge of a pond. June is usually the beginning of the main part of our flight season, and this is the best time of year to get out and find some odonates. Whether they are zipping by capturing prey, mating, ovipositing, warming themselves or more you should explore any type of wet area near you to find them busy as can be in the summer sun. If you need some creative plans for the...
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