Green Heron (Butorides virescens)
All of the rich waterways of the Chautauqua-Allegheny region often offer favorable habitat to Green Herons (Butorides virescens) and it will not be long until juveniles will be found among the many pairs of breeding birds.
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This Piping Plover was not foraging…it was getting defensive! However this was not towards us as it was actually in a territorial scuffle with another individual, a fully-grown juvenile Piping Plover. On those small and narrow beaches the proverbial lines in the sand sometimes remain post-breeding and are quite literal to them.
Read MoreSabine’s Gull (Xema sabini) by Scott Kruitbosch
Check out this rare juvenile Sabine’s Gull in the center of these record photos among many hundreds of Bonaparte’s Gulls in Lake Erie at Barcelona Harbor in Westfield, NY at sunset on November 19, 2013! Thanks to Jim Pawlicki for finding it and getting the word out. Elyse and I headed over and enjoyed seeing this gull which nests in the very high Arctic and typically migrates offshore or along the West Coast. It was a beautiful sight in flight with its contrasting black and white wings and tail. Many birders feel that adult Sabine’s are the most gorgeous gulls on the...
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