Least Terns (Sternula antillarum)
If Least Terns (Sternula antillarum) are dive-bombing you or screeching alarm calls then it’s a sign you may want to give them additional some room. Thankfully we have plenty of space on the beach for all of us to enjoy or, in their case, create a family. Pairs like this are starting to see their eggs hatching right now across Connecticut. Here’s hoping for temperate and mostly dry weather for the little ones. Why didn’t I put up a photo with adorable hatchling Least Terns? Because we have not had many successful nests in recent years and when we do even folks like Twan and...
Read MoreCommon Terns on Lake Erie
Now that we are a partner in the Audubon Alliance for Coastal Waterbirds I am working every day to coordinate our volunteer and monitoring efforts in conservation and education across Connecticut focusing on Piping Plovers, Least Terns, American Oystercatchers and Common Terns among all other shorebirds, long-legged waders and terns. I was very happy to enjoy one of our target species this past Sunday as I saw at least 85 Common Terns off Dunkirk Harbor here in Western New York. These “Commons”, along with nine or more Caspian Terns, were feeding in Lake Erie and resting on...
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