Northern Leopard Frog (Rana pipiens)
Earlier this week while I was getting pictures of grasses, sedges and rushes for my upcoming program at Jamestown Audubon Society, I came across this little frog that was trying to be as still as possible, utilizing a simple but strategic antipredator behavior. Rana pipiens, commonly known as the Northern Leopard Frog, is one of many species that frequents New York’s grassland areas near ponds and marshes and can easily hide itself in the tall grasses during the summer months. To learn more about the species that benefit from our local grasslands, don’t miss the program coming up...
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It seemed only weeks ago that you were just a little clump of jelly, little Leopard Frog… Only a few more days in this awkward stage and this little guy or gal will be off to explore the world outside its pool. They grow up so fast!
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Leopard frogs always look like they’re wearing camo which reminds me to say Happy Memorial Day and thank you to all our veterans.
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