Not So Sleepy Bears
While the landscape in Western New York is rapidly changing thanks to some lake effect snow, earlier this week the ground was completely uncovered, temperatures were above normal and some normally sleeping wildlife were out foraging on available food resources. These photos were taken by my dad while he and a friend were out on a walk. As you can see, that black shape isn’t a wandering cow in the corn field rather it is an American Black Bear (Ursus americanus) awake from its “hibernation.” According to NYS DEC and the North American Bear Center, the black bear is not a...
Read MoreHorned Lark Camouflage
This is not exactly the best photo of a Horned Lark ever, but it certainly depicts their unbelievable camouflage. How perfect is this field for a bird with a back like that? Remember that, for the most part, birds – at least those species that possess flight capabilities – do not have to worry about mammals on the ground. This also excludes domestic cats, an introduced creature they are still learning to deal with. Otherwise it is usually very easy to elude mammal predators as a healthy adult bird. How could a red fox or a raccoon sneak up on you in a flock in the middle of an...
Read MoreDead Mouse
This looks like a White-footed Mouse, and it also looks like a cat kill. My dog Zach located it for us, immediately picking up the scent from probably over 50 feet away. A dead rodent with puncture wounds to the body that is left in the snow seems like a cat’s play toy to me. Other mammals or birds would have scooped it up for a meal and made sure to go back for it, even if they had to drop it. This occurs many, many times…millions upon millions…to small birds and mammals each day because of cats. They kill billions each year for no reason whatsoever apart from their own instincts....
Read MoreSick Kits
Last spring I was able to enjoy watching a Red Fox family growing up, up close! I posted photos and videos of them in a bunch of posts this past April and May including: Red Fox Family Red Fox Family Video Red Fox Pup Exploring Red Fox Wrestling Red Fox Kits Growing Red Fox Kits at Den Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes) At some point in the early summer the kits all left the den, exploring more and more on their own, staying in different locations and occasionally popping in and out of the area. By the end of the summer they were not being seen anymore, having gone out to find their own life and place...
Read MoreCapuchin Christmas
Did you have Capuchins delivering your presents on Christmas this year? Maybe it is only in Costa Rica as photographed here by RTPI Affiliate Sean Graesser.
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