Hummingbird Clearwing Moth (Hemaris thysbe)
Here we have the Hummingbird Clearwing Moth (Hemaris thysbe) to kick off National Moth Week (July 23-31), appropriately photographed yesterday in a gratifying yet frustrating experience. I found it feeding on Swamp Milkweed (Asclepias incarnata) while watering in the morning, and because I was watering I did not have my camera (always a great tactic to ensure a good sighting). After running back inside and all the way around…yep, still there. Great. As usual with wildlife I approached it with caution, slowly, shooting while closing in on the moth. The species moves quickly while...
Read MoreAmerican Ermine Moth
These look to be the American Ermine moth (Yponomeuta multipunctella), a common if tiny sighting in the middle of the summer. These individuals helped me sight them by coming to the porch light at night, but I have seen a few in random places even during the day, including one on the door of my Jeep a couple weeks ago. In fact today while running out I saw another very small moth that I did not know on the Jeep…moths are everywhere, all the time! Keep an eye or two open… Scott Kruitbosch Conservation & Outreach Coordinator
Read MoreDouble-banded Grass-veneer Moth
This looks to be a Double-banded Grass-veneer moth (Crambus agitatellus), and I thank it for leaving the grass to provide these easier views. When you are walking through some lawn or short grass and see tiny moths kick up briefly from the ground they are often grass-veneer species like this one that were hiding on long blades out of your sight. If something like this can go so easily unnoticed what else are we missing in the natural world around us? Always be observing! Scott Kruitbosch Conservation & Outreach Coordinator
Read MoreHummingbird Clearwing Moth (Hemaris thysbe) feeding
We’ll end National Moth Week with some field shots of the Hummingbird Clearwing Moth (Hemaris thysbe) taken by Twan. If you missed the original post with more information on the confusing and unique species and Sean’s Meet Your Neighbours photo see it here:
Read MoreVirgin Tiger Moth (Grammia virgo)
Today’s moth is a Virgin Tiger Moth (Grammia virgo) and a species that you could find in your yard if you’re as lucky as I was!
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