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Posts Tagged "nest"

Yard Pine Siskin

Posted on May 16, 2015

Yard Pine Siskin

There are still Pine Siskins hanging out in the Northeast, and if you provide them with enough food in your yard and they are able to find a mate, they may nest right there! The nomadic species is certainly opportunistic, and I hope this bird in Twan’s yard can find a partner and settle down soon. Scott Kruitbosch Conservation & Outreach Coordinator

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Yellow-throated Vireo

Posted on May 14, 2015

Yellow-throated Vireo

The Yellow-throated Vireo (Vireo flavifrons) is one of those species I never seem to spot frequently, and thus I end up knowing little about them. They are birds of the deciduous forest of eastern North America, preferring the edge. This may be along a roadway or a trail, the latter allowing for some good views in my experience, but they also enjoy staying at mid to high levels. A bird in the canopy is much more difficult to learn about than one that hangs out down here with us. I spotted this Yellow-throated Vireo several days ago at a migratory stopover site for many passerine species. It...

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Brown Thrasher

Posted on May 13, 2015

Brown Thrasher

This Brown Thrasher (Toxostoma rufum) has been avoiding my camera for at least two weeks now. It may have a mate, but I never end up spotting any true signs of probable nesting, and certainly lack any confirmations thus far. Sadly it is a far more notable sighting than it was back in Roger Tory Peterson’s day in the Northeast. The species has dropped dramatically in abundance, and what used to be a common breeding bird for many is now a ghost in behavior and population. I am still always startled by how boldly patterned, uniquely shaped, and even loudly musical they can be, yet often...

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Black-and-white Warbler

Posted on May 11, 2015

Black-and-white Warbler

I couldn’t let Twan have all the fun with the Black-and-white Warblers (Mniotilta varia), and this little creeper was spotted last week as it furiously crawled and flew all around tree trunks for its insect prey. You can even see one such snack in the last photo. These birds seem like they have so much personality, but when they are visiting us in May they are move, too busy to stop to chat for too long. I am envious of anyone who gets to enjoy them while they are more relaxed on the wintering grounds. However, even then they are said to be aggressive and territorial. Did you know that...

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Male Yellow Warbler

Posted on May 6, 2015

Male Yellow Warbler

This male Yellow Warbler is ready to take up residence in your garden! Their abundance, friendliness, and usage of habitats in open areas and often near people help make them an easy target for Brown-headed Cowbirds. After the Yellows build their nest a female Cowbird may end up putting an egg in it as well. While some Yellow Warblers will end up raising this young bird to the detriment of its own, others will build another nest over the original parasitized one. It is always an odd sight to spot a huge Cowbird fledgling being fed by the little Yellow parent. But for now all this guy is...

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