Tale of Two April Climates
The first half of April 2015 was a Tale of Two Climates: when compared to long-term averages, New England was cool to cold and dry, sometimes exceptionally so, while the Mid-Atlantic was warm and wet, sometimes ridiculously so. Fortunately since then it has balanced out to some degree (pun intended) and conditions have moderated in both regards. In my opinion we seem to be at a relatively average place in terms of “green out”, with buds and leaves near where they “should” be for our returning birds and emerging insects. Scott Kruitbosch Conservation & Outreach...
Read MoreWaterbird Working Group Meeting
This past Monday the Southern New England‐Long Island Sound Waterbird Working Group annual meeting was convened for the first time since 2013. A couple dozen representatives from government agencies and NGOs from Maine to New York, including RTPI Conservation & Outreach Coordinator Scott Kruitbosch, met in Connecticut to discuss the last season and prepare for the coming nesting season both in person and via webinar. It takes an enormous group effort to protect and save some of our most threatened birds. Photo by Audubon Connecticut Director of Bird Conservation Patrick...
Read MoreSanderlings on the Beach
I took these Sanderling photos earlier this season before the Atlantic coast of New England was battered by repeated nor’easters and major winter storms, leaving snow and ice coating much of the shoreline. Watching them feed in the tide, darting back and forth with the water and running through the sand, is such a pleasant and relaxing diversion on a bright winter day. Shorebirds will soon be on the move back to the north, and we at the Audubon Alliance for Coastal Waterbirds are ready! Scott Kruitbosch Conservation & Outreach Coordinator
Read MoreFebruary Snowy Owls
This blog entry is a companion to the Winter Bird Forecasts brought to you by Audubon Connecticut and the Roger Tory Peterson Institute of Natural History. Be sure to check out Winter Bird Forecast #5! Oh my, has it been cold and snowy or what? The last month was historic for some of our region as Boston and many other areas of Massachusetts have been buried in feet of snow. Parts of Connecticut and New York have been inundated as well and everyone across the Northeast has felt frigid air with barely any days above freezing, totally lacking any significant thaws. It is the definition of...
Read MoreJanuary Snowy Owl Update
This blog entry is a companion to the Winter Bird Forecasts brought to you by Audubon Connecticut and the Roger Tory Peterson Institute of Natural History. Be sure to check out Winter Bird Forecast #3! As we enter the New Year we in the Mid-Atlantic and New England have been feeling mostly below-average temperatures as the weather finally reflects the climate more than it has. Snow cover is certainly starting to shape up over the landscape and birds like the Snowy Owl are now camouflaged against our earth and skies. I wanted to see where we were in this winter’s Snowy Owl irruption,...
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