Not All Salamanders Are Newts…
If you’re an amphibian enthusiast, you’ve probably heard this phrase at some point: “All newts are salamanders but not all salamanders are newts.” Does trying to make sense of this cause smoke to come out of your ears? You’re not alone. To shed some light on this conundrum, let’s first consider a bit of taxonomy. Within the Class Amphibia there are three Orders: Caudata, Anura, and Gymnophiona. Caudata refers to the salamanders; species that retain their tails as adults and have four legs. These differ from the Anurans (frogs) which lose their tails as...
Read MoreSpotted Salamander and Eastern Newt
Here are a couple of friends we met and Sean photographed during the BioBlitz yesterday – a Spotted Salamander (Ambystoma maculatum) and an Eastern Newt (Notophthalmus viridescens). These neighbors could very well be in your backyard right now if you’re in the Eastern U.S. As Sean noted the rain may not have helped our overall total of life (bleh for bugs and birds!) but it did provide assistance for finding amphibians.
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Whether you want to call it a Red Eft or an Eastern Newt the Notophthalmus viridescens certainly is cute.
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