Yellow-billed Cuckoo
This poor Yellow-billed Cuckoo (Coccyzus americanus) may have a prolonged pause in southbound migration this fall…why? Take a look. Something missing? It does not have a tail between those wing tips, and while it is out of view it looked like it was ripped right off. The bird is probably happy to be alive, and it was still observed feeding on autumn snacks such as a praying mantis. Hopefully it will be warm enough for it to survive for now and get on growing, perhaps taking an eventual slower and more methodical trip to its wintering grounds.
Read MoreSwallow Swarm
These Tree Swallows are hurriedly heading to the south as freezing temperatures take away their prey. Aerial insectivores really have to keep it moving and find sheltered spots that can maintain an insect population despite frigid weather conditions if they are not on the immediate coast or at large bodies of water. We still have some time before it becomes a real problem, but flocks of hundreds of birds had better keep on migrating. It certainly isn’t getting any easier.
Read MoreVesper Sparrow
It took a while, but I finally got my fall Vesper Sparrows! My friend and sensational birder and naturalist Frank Mantlik found these two beauties in the Stratford community gardens among many other Song, Savannah, Swamp and White-throated Sparrows. They later cooperated, ever so briefly, for a couple photos. These big sparrows look so wonderful with those huge eye rings, and one was really showing off those white feathers… Scott Kruitbosch Conservation & Outreach Coordinator
Read MoreGraupel
This past weekend some big gray clouds rolled through and dropped some frozen precipitation on us here in Chautauqua County. While most of it has already melted, it was quite a surprise to see in mid-October with all the autumn leaves and colors still vibrant. Much of what fell was graupel, a form of soft hail that looks and acts like ball bearings once it hits the ground. These snow pellets created slippery conditions on the roads and piled up in many low lying areas. While we still have a ways to go before winter officially settles in, its never too early to be prepared for an unexpected...
Read MoreAmerican Lady
This American Lady (Vanessa virginiensis) butterfly still looks magnificent here in October, basking in the warm rays from the sun while feeding along with several others. It certainly has a seasonal feel with some Halloween shades, too. What a wonderful sight.
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