Yellow Woodlands
Autumn certainly has a glow going on, but this week has shown us a preview of some of the cold and wet weather to come. Last year’s El Niño kept us far warmer throughout the end of 2015. However, it looks like a weak La Niña will be ready to cover these trees in snow soon enough this winter. That might be a welcome development that helps alleviate the drought in the Northeast while encouraging snow lovers to get out on the trails in our beautiful Chautauqua County. More to come on all soon…
Read MoreAutumn Meadowhawk
Here is that other fall dragonfly I was talking about earlier this week – the Autumn Meadowhawk (Sympetrum vicinum). Their common name certainly reflects when they are sighted, and fiery red males like this one add a little pop to the decaying leaves as they devour the last of the flying insects, from moths to mosquitoes. Scott Kruitbosch Conservation & Outreach Coordinator
Read MoreOctober Blue Sky
There is something about looking up at the bright blue sky in October against some of our foliage, especially on those clear and crisp days with a touch of cirrus working in after a cold front. The air is clean and dry, so inviting after a hot and sticky summer, making us think about those chilly and snowy winter days to come. We may see the first few flakes of the season tomorrow in Chautauqua County!
Read MoreNelson’s Sparrow
The October sparrow push continues! A huge flight of nocturnal and diurnal migrant birds have moved through the Northeast region in the wake of last weekend’s cold front, and that timing was about as good as it gets for sparrow lovers. This morning I was wandering around Stratford Point doing some surveying with my dog Zach and recording whatever would pop out of dozens and dozens of songbirds present. He is a large sheltie, and his oversized fox look is very helpful. He assists in hazing waterfowl out of the historic shot fall zone, and in the uplands little birds usually flush then...
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