Looking Up
Here is a homework assignment for you to be completed sometime in the next week: Go outside Find a comfortable open, peaceful, natural spot Sit or lay down in the grass, sand, dirt or whatever ground you prefer Look up and do nothing It is beautiful out there, wherever you are. Go soak it in.
Read MoreOn the Fence?
Are you on the fence about going outside today? Fly off the couch and see how many feathered friends you can make instead. It’s spring!
Read MoreWilson’s Warbler
I was thrilled to come across this Wilson’s Warbler (Cardellina pusilla) when I made a quick birding stop this afternoon on what I knew was already a stellar day for migrant birds. Though I did not have much time to be outside surveying during the work day this bird was literally spotted from my Jeep, and on top of that it cooperated for these photos while it was foraging. This is a species that RTPI President Twan Leenders does not believe exists. Huh? When I started working for Twan several years ago he had not yet seen a Wilson’s Warbler. It was one of those species…you...
Read MoreWhite Trillium (Trillium grandiflorum)
While Scott has been doing a marvelous job documenting and sharing the spring migrants, I thought the plant life that is becoming more and more evident needs some representation too! Over the past couple of weeks the trees have been slowly budding, enabling ample sunshine to continue to kiss the forest floors. The warm rays have been kick-starting growth of ground cover and mid-story plants, including one particularly beautiful flower: the white trillium (Trillium grandiflorum). This flower is common in rich, upland forests and can be easily distinguished by its showy, wavy petals. Unlike...
Read MoreMore Frosty Mornings
This autumn has certainly been an interesting one as far as weather goes! Our first frost came rather late and last week we seemed to have had an “Indian Summer” with temperatures in the 60’s and even low 70’s…quite toasty for early November! While winter is still a little ways out, it will be interesting to see how El Niño continues to influence our weather patterns here in the Northeast. This week seems to be back to normal average temperatures, giving us freezing overnight lows and frosty mornings, but next week is forecasted to be warm once again. No matter...
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