Always look up! Bald Eagles
You do not have to be “birding” to find and enjoy birds! One of the first things I tell new birders is that our avian friends are three-dimensional…huh? I mean that birds are not simply in the bush or tree in front of you or scratching at the earth below us, nor do you have to be at a special location to see spectacular birds in the air. If you remember to look in every direction, especially up, you will find some rare and wonderful things flying by when you least expect it. This is a good time of year to do so and find random Bald Eagles, like this overhead young bird and...
Read MoreMorning-glory Plume Moth (Emmelina monodactyla)
This looks to be a Morning-glory Plume Moth (Emmelina monodactyla), one that I photographed only last week. Even as we enter November and have already experienced frosts, freezes and early season snowfall in the Northeast (and the Southeast?!) there are still a wide variety of flying insects to be found. Many of our tiny neighbors can be discovered year-round. It only takes a little more effort on our part to spot them. Put on an extra layer if you need it but get outside as much as you can. Scott Kruitbosch Conservation & Outreach Coordinator
Read MorePerpetual golden shades
It seems like we cannot stop producing yellow and bright golden shades this autumn as many trees are still hanging on to leaves. The seemingly perpetual color is certainly welcome to stick around for as long as it likes. Even a few maples are continuing to produce a lot of bright hues at this late fall foliage date. Go outside and enjoy it all this weekend, even with the chillier November air!
Read MorePallas’s Long-tongued Bat (Glossophaga soricina)
This Pallas’s Long-tongued Bat (Glossophaga soricina) by Twan is hanging out, awaiting Halloween. What are you up to outdoors today? It is so gorgeous and warm outside across the Eastern United States that seeing a late migrant bat would not be out of the question! Not this one, though…
Read MoreExplosive fall foliage continues
The explosive fall foliage continues throughout the Northeast! I took this photo several hours ago on a warm, sunny and gorgeous October afternoon. I have been all over New York and Connecticut in the past month and it seems to me we are having a protracted season of autumn colors without an all-encompassing week. There are plenty of bare trees, some still green, and many showing off sparkling fall shades. We will be sure to show you more of these seasonal sights this week along with some Halloween fun in the mix, too. Walking out the door on days like this makes me happy! Scott Kruitbosch...
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