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Posts Tagged "perch"

Wet Mockingbird

Posted on Dec 6, 2014

Wet Mockingbird

I don’t know what a forlorn bird looks like but I think it is something close to this Northern Mockingbird thanks to some wet, cold, and dreary weather. Personally I love our four seasons and embrace the rotation of life they feature all around us. I wonder if birds like this one know spring is only a few months away… Scott Kruitbosch Conservation & Outreach Coordinator

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Great Egret roost

Posted on Nov 28, 2014

Great Egret roost

What is this, November in Florida? Nope, I assure you it is New England. Here we have a distant shot featuring four of six Great Egrets that were present in a roost on a sunny November day in Connecticut. I did not want to disturb or flush them from this quiet, isolated area and stayed far away in cover. Waterbirds like this can tough it out in Connecticut thanks to our changing climate. As you can see quite literally it is not simply an aberrant bird or two. Scott Kruitbosch Conservation & Outreach Coordinator

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Power lines and birds

Posted on Nov 8, 2014

Power lines and birds

Earlier this week I read a story about a bird rescue by the fire department from my hometown. It seems a gull had gotten tangled in fishing line – an unfortunately common occurrence easily avoided if everyone fishing would clean up after themselves – and then compounded the problem by getting stuck on power lines! I thought to myself, you know what? This must happen on a relatively frequent basis to various birds, especially the large ones that would perch on them. We discuss cats, buildings, pollution, and many other sources of avian mortality, but power systems are everywhere,...

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Merlin (Falco columbarius) HD video

Posted on Nov 5, 2014

Merlin (Falco columbarius) HD video

This migrant Merlin (Falco columbarius) was found taking a short rest in this tree during a very windy day – all the more conducive to fly with! Whenever I get the chance to observe one individual like this for a prolonged period I inevitably wonder where it has been and where it is going. I wish I knew where this bird was now… Scott Kruitbosch Conservation & Outreach Coordinator

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Identify this silhouette at a distance

Posted on Aug 19, 2014

Identify this silhouette at a distance

I spotted this bird at RTPI today from a distance without binoculars and knew its identity immediately. Standing in our garden I could see the basic silhouette and how it had positioned itself. Those two clues plus the date should help you determine the species as well. Any ideas? If you do not want to know the answer don’t keep reading…did you figure it out yet? It’s…an Olive-sided Flycatcher! I had one of the uncommon southbound migrants last August as well but it was my first of 2014. I watched it feeding for a while as I looked for butterflies, the bird grabbing...

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