Northern Saw-whet Owl (Aegolius acadicus)
This tiny bundle of Halloween fear and dread was photographed by RTPI Affiliate Sean Graesser as he had a very successful night of netting and banding Northern Saw-whet Owls (Aegolius acadicus) earlier this week in New Jersey. They are definitely on the move well now in the Mid-Atlantic.
Read MoreEbony Jewelwing (Calopteryx maculata)
Up close and personal with the Ebony Jewelwing (Calopteryx maculata), a species you may even notice flying about your yard this time of year.
Read MoreChestnut-sided Warbler close-ups
Today while conducting field work for several hours at a few sites in Pennsylvania I enjoyed numerous great looks at Chestnut-sided Warblers. These birds of shrub/scrub habitat and secondary growth are distinctive and beautiful in appearance and song. Whenever I see them now I am reminded of Twan and Sean and RTPI’s work in the tropics. In Costa Rica in the Chestnut-sided wintering range they enjoy watching the birds turn into little “meatballs” as they fatten up for the flight north. In fact a Chestnut-sided Warbler banded in Rara Avis was recaptured twice over a four year...
Read MoreEastern Kingbird (Tyrannus tyrannus) by Scott Kruitbosch
Eastern Kingbirds are patrolling our open areas once again. I wonder how long it took this bird, photographed this afternoon, to arrive in WNY from South America…
Read MorePalm Warbler (Setophaga palmarum) by Scott Kruitbosch
This Palm Warbler is wondering what’s taking so long, too – where are our leaves?! Soon…very soon…
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