Snowy Owl (Bubo scandiacus) by Scott Kruitbosch
Another day, another photo of a Snowy Owl on a utility pole. That’s how we do it here in Western New York this winter. It’s a pleasure to be able to easily add the species to the Great Backyard Bird Count totals. What have you seen thus far for the GBBC?
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We have some Snowy Owls sticking around for the long haul, especially near water – even the mostly frozen Lake Erie. This Snowy was at the Chautauqua County/Dunkirk Airport on February 3, 2014 and beautifully photographed by Twan in some light snow. You can even see tiny flakes accumulating around its bright yellow eyes!
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Twan didn’t take long to get a Snowy Owl for 2014 as he found this individual in Mayville (New York) yesterday afternoon. It almost looks like a decoy way up there with how it is perched so perfectly. Do you have a Snowy yet for the year after two days? We’re very glad they seem to be sticking around in a few of our local spots as well. Let’s keep eBirding all of them as much as possible.
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I had to post this tremendous Snowy Owl shot that Twan took this afternoon right here in Jamestown. It’s rare for us to get such a sunny and beautiful moment for photography in the winter and he made the most of it! There are still multiple Snowys in our area – what about yours?
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You may have seen my recent blog entry with Snowy Owl photos depicting a “day” in the life of the species, and that very cooperative bird was sitting around long enough for me to take some HD video of it as well. It was initially not exactly the most riveting footage in history as it looked over its shoulder and away from the camera continuously (plenty shall remain unseen). However, when I wiped some snow off my jacket while I stood behind the camera it made for an unintentionally awesome hearing test. The owl clearly heard the soft wiping noise I made from a considerable...
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