HWA Training Rescheduled
Due to the forecasted lake effect snow storm to impact our area later this afternoon and evening, we have decided to reschedule tonight’s HWA Citizen Science training for next Thursday, December 15th at 6pm. We hope the weather will cooperate next week and will see you there!
Read MoreCabbage White Butterfly
I think this Cabbage White must have just gone through the laundry – that is very white! Enjoy those coneflowers while you can, little friend…autumn is coming for them.
Read MoreGrapevine Borer Beetle
This seems to be a Grapevine Borer Beetle (Pelidnota punctata) as I found and photographed on this door screen last week. Their common name betrays their preferred plant and behavior, eating the fruit and even the leaves of grapevines, though apparently not to extreme pest levels. I was also not the only one to think about how it looks like a huge ladybug in some ways. You never know what new sorts of neighbors you will find even at your own door… Scott Kruitbosch Conservation & Outreach Coordinator
Read MoreSmall White
Here is a Small White, or Cabbage White, (Pieris rapae) butterfly feeding on some Swamp Milkweed (Asclepias incarnata) last week. This fresh individual afforded me the best opportunity to photograph one that I have ever had as it posed perfectly on the flowers. The non-native species may be common and invasive but boy, they certainly are beautiful little things! I had never seen one with so much bright yellow on it. And check out those eyes! Wildlife certainly looks different when up close. Scott Kruitbosch Conservation & Outreach Coordinator
Read MoreBackyard Botanical Bothers
New York Invasive Species Awareness Week – NYISAW Backyard Botanical Bothers Wednesday July 13th, 2016 – 11am – 1pm – 108 East Third Street, Jamestown What are those green things growing in your neighborhood, and what’s living on them? Are they native to this area or are they invasive pests? What does it matter? Meet us in front of RTPI’s new satellite office at 108 East Third Street, to learn a thing or two about ‘Backyard Botanical Bothers’ – specifically which plants and insects mean trouble for our ecosystem – and what you can do if you encounter them. RTPI’s Project Wild...
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