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Posts Tagged "Piping Plover"

Piping Plovers Increasing

Posted on Jun 3, 2015

Piping Plovers Increasing

We have a lot of tiny Piping Plover hatchlings popping out on beaches across Connecticut right now, but we even have additional pairs and adult birds showing up on territories. These birds may have lost their nest somewhere else, or even a mate, and are searching for new prime real estate and other individuals who have not paired off. Sean took this photo of Milford Point’s eighth (!) pair of Piping Plovers! The entire coast of the town of Milford is one of the best Piping Plover areas in the state, and the birds certainly want to nest there, though there are only so many...

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Shorebird Brochures

Posted on May 27, 2015

Shorebird Brochures

Here are a couple quick photos of our freshly-printed American Oystercatcher brochures to go along with our Piping Plover brochures! You can spot our logo along with Audubon Connecticut at the top, and were created by our staff as a part of our education and outreach work in the Audubon Alliance for Coastal Waterbirds. They look wonderful in person, and our staff will soon have some to pass on to you if we see you on the beach in Connecticut. They feature basic biological information on both species including where and when they nest, why they are threatened, how we can help them and what to...

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Piping Plovers

Posted on May 2, 2015

Piping Plovers

Amazingly there were still pairs of Piping Plovers coming into Connecticut through the end of April. New arrivals hit the breeding grounds as other birds were beginning to nest, and finally we look to be really into “go time” for our soon to be parents. After a lot of cool weather and wind we are into May where we should have a safe buffer from the freezing mark. Let us hope we have conducive incubation conditions and stable weather for our continuing efforts in the Audubon Alliance for Coastal Waterbirds.

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Unintentional Disturbances Threaten Waterbirds

Posted on Apr 26, 2015

Unintentional Disturbances Threaten Waterbirds

There are a number of activities that can unintentionally scare, disturb or even threaten the survival of our waterbirds throughout the spring and summer seasons. Even a person with good intentions can fail to realize how sensitive a bird like the Piping Plover is, feeling threatened by dogs on the leash as they still see them as a predator invading their territory, making birds more prone to abandoning the area, wasting valuable energy or separating them from eggs or young, increasing mortality. Most beaches in Connecticut ban all dogs during the warm seasons in consideration of public...

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Elementary School Students Saving Birds

Posted on Apr 19, 2015

Elementary School Students Saving Birds

Last year the Audubon Alliance for Coastal Waterbirds helped to teach elementary school children about some of Connecticut’s most imperiled avian species, ensuring that they learn about why it is so important to share the shore with these conservation-priority waterbirds. Respecting wildlife is a fundamental aspect of our species stewardship of the Earth – at least if we want to survive on it! These students gave back to their world by creating wonderful, unique art to teach and inspire beachgoers as they flock to the shore for the summer. You can see some of these signs focused...

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