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Posts Tagged "plants"

Late Summer Sunsets

Posted on Sep 20, 2014

Late Summer Sunsets

Autumn is just around the corner as summer is coming to a close. However, there is still lots of time to enjoy a few more late summer sunsets painting the landscape and creating spectacular views. I hope you can get out this weekend and capture the last few days of summer in a variety of unique ways!

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Closed Bottle Gentian (Gentiana clausa)

Posted on Sep 10, 2014

Closed Bottle Gentian (Gentiana clausa)

This lovely flower goes by the name of Gentiana clausa, otherwise known as the Closed Bottle Gentian. These flowers bloom from late summer to early fall and remain bottled up throughout the entire time the plant is flowering. This often unseen flower can be found hiding along stream banks, in moist woodlands or wet meadows and is quite a beauty to see!

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Why Do Leaves Change Color?

Posted on Sep 9, 2014

Why Do Leaves Change Color?

Have you ever wondered why the lush green summer colors of the local trees and shrubs change as autumn approaches? Well, as the length of daylight shortens and the intensity of sunlight lessens, chlorophyll production slows down and eventually stops within the leaves. As the chlorophyll gets broken down and disappears, the carotenoids and anthocyanins (other chemicals that exists in the leaves) become unmasked as the green color fades, revealing brilliant shades of oranges, reds and yellows. While this process is occurring, another is at work. The veins that carry fluids and nutrients in and...

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Forget-Me-Not (Myosotis scorpioides)

Posted on Aug 27, 2014

Forget-Me-Not (Myosotis scorpioides)

Forget-me, forget-me-not. The true forget-me-not (Myosotis scorpioides) is a common sight in moist areas throughout the region. Originally introduced from Europe and Asia, these little flowers are typical garden escapees that creep their way across an area using their fibrous roots. While you typically see them in small patches here or there, the forget-me-not can make itself unforgettable by populating an area and forming monocultures. If you plant these cute little blue flowers in your garden, just be sure not to forget about them so that they don’t creep away into areas they...

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Bees collecting pollen

Posted on Aug 12, 2014

Bees collecting pollen

There have been many busy bees buzzing by me wherever I go lately, collecting all of that pollen I am delighted to see them taking. Are there any creatures on this planet that do more for us humans?

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