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Posts Tagged "plants"

Plants are Poppin’!

Posted on May 12, 2014

Plants are Poppin’!

With the recent warmer weather, a number of different species have made it apparent that spring is here for good. The neotropical migrants have been moving through the area while a number of woody and herbaceous plants are finally beginning to flower and leaf out.  The past couple of days we have taken advantage of the nice weather and gotten out to begin surveying research sites with SUNY JCC interns, and surveying Atlas sites for its digital revision. Below are a few plants that we have seen popping out in our survey sites, can you tell what they are? Let’s see if you got them all....

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Ecological catastrophes: what’s here, what’s next?

Posted on Jan 2, 2014

Ecological catastrophes: what’s here, what’s next?

For my first blog post of 2014 I wanted to talk about something I ponder frequently in this line of work – apart from the ongoing environmental disasters we acknowledge and in some cases are working to correct, what silent or invisible calamities are occurring right now that we should be detecting, analyzing and stopping? Climate change is the number one global nightmare that is finally being accepted by the average person, something that is long overdue. However, we are nowhere near addressing it and it may already be too late in many regards. Smaller scale disasters like the spread of...

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