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Posts Tagged "plants"

Lyme Disease

Posted on Jul 21, 2015

Lyme Disease

I have Lyme disease. Thankfully most people have now heard of Lyme disease, but for those who have not, Lyme borreliosis is an infectious disease caused by bacteria of the Borrelia type and transmitted to humans (or pets!) by a black-legged/deer tick bite and subsequent feeding by the parasite. It typically takes 24 or maybe 36-48 hours of feeding for the disease to be transmitted if the tick is a carrier, though this is not a guarantee either direction. Lyme disease can cause flu-like symptoms nearly immediately, and if untreated they can be followed by severe headaches, joint and muscle...

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Deer Tick

Posted on Jul 10, 2015

Deer Tick

Whether it is a warm and sunny day or a cool, cloudy one you can now expect to find some ticks outdoors, especially in edge habitats. The photo shows a tick I recently pulled off of my dog on an inch ruler. In western New York this is rarely a problem, and only a handful of sites have any ticks to be found. However, in places like Connecticut the population is robust, booming, and filled with diseases. Any time that you or your dog goes outdoors this spring, and throughout the year really, you should be mindful of ticks. The best way to protect yourself is to stay covered, change your...

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Pollinator Meadows

Posted on Jul 8, 2015

Pollinator Meadows

You think there are a few pollinator sources here? It may not be the most ideal mix of vegetation, and it may contain some non-native and even dominant or invasive species, but it is far better than a mowed lawn or some pavement, full of busy bees, beetles, butterflies and many other insects. Let it grow and keep it chemical free, folks! We can perfect it later.

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Sunflower Plot

Posted on Jul 7, 2015

Sunflower Plot

The first “fall” migrant birds are already dispersing or moving about! Young swallows are leaving their nesting areas, shorebirds are beginning to come south, and flycatchers that may have had failed nests are already on the way to the wintering grounds. Later this autumn this sunflower plot will be a tremendously attractive spot to many passerine migrants looking for a feeding or resting area. Let’s keep up a good balance of rain and sunshine, please! For the birds.

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Pollinator Meadows

Posted on Jun 27, 2015

Pollinator Meadows

This morning RTPI Affiliate Sean Graesser and I attended the annual meeting of the Aspetuck Land Trust at the always magnificent Trout Brook Valley Conservation Area in Weston and Easton, Connecticut with many great friends, naturalists, conservationists and caring neighbors. Thankfully incoming rain showers held off until the afternoon, but the cool and cloudy conditions kept it quiet for most insects. We joined our fellow members of the Land Management Committee to hike the property after the meeting, examining our pollinator meadows and the sizable growth of uncut grasslands that are now...

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