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Posts Tagged "plants"

Buttercups and Bobolinks

Posted on Jun 22, 2015

Buttercups and Bobolinks

Fields painted yellow, birds singing and the sun shining, what else could we ask for? Throughout Chautauqua County the fields are becoming seas of gold as the buttercups bloom. These common flowers don’t just make a large grassy field pretty, but also provide habitat and cover for a number of breeding grassland birds. For Bobolinks in particular, these fields provide a great deal of food, abundant nesting materials and a safe haven to raise their young. As we have been conducting vegetation surveys at the Chautauqua County-Jamestown Airport, we have been surrounded by these incredible...

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Clover City

Posted on Jun 21, 2015

Clover City

So many clovers, so little time! Welcome to summer. Let your grass grow up a bit and see what you can find. The bugs, bees to butterflies, will all appreciate it, and so will our air, your wallet and your back.

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Bluebead Lily (Clintonia borealis)

Posted on Jun 4, 2015

Bluebead Lily (Clintonia borealis)

Wildflowers continue to pop as the warm temperatures and sunshine are becoming more abundant. One pretty little flower that is currently in bloom is Clintonia borealis, more commonly known as Bluebead Lily. This plant gets its name not from the flowers it produces, but instead from the beautiful fruits that become noticeable during mid to late summer. As the summer season progresses the flowers will be replaced by little green fruits, that slowly turn white and then eventually a deep blue, looking almost like porcelain beads. While these fruits may look appealing, they are said to be quite...

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Tick Season

Posted on Apr 22, 2015

Tick Season

Tick season has arrived! Whether it is a warm and sunny day or a cool, cloudy one you can now expect to find some ticks outdoors, especially in edge habitats. In Western New York this is rarely a problem, and only a handful of sites have any ticks to be found. However, in places like Connecticut the population is robust, booming, and filled with diseases. Any time that you or your dog goes outdoors this spring, and throughout the year really, you should be mindful of ticks. The best way to protect yourself is to stay covered, change your clothes, check yourself from head to toe, and shower...

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Green-crowned Brilliant (Heliodoxa jacula)

Posted on Mar 29, 2015

Green-crowned Brilliant (Heliodoxa jacula)

Here is the Green-crowned Brilliant (Heliodoxa jacula), a large hummingbird commonly found at higher elevations in Costa Rica. It can be seen on edge clearings and in the forest, protecting certain feeding plants. This is an adult male, as juveniles usually have a mix of green and white plumage with a orange gorget. It turns purple as it ages, and as you can see by the full purple gorget this is indeed an adult male. Photographed by RTPI Affiliate Sean Graesser for the Meet Your Neighbours global biodiversity project in Costa Rica while on assignment for the Roger Tory Peterson Institute of...

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