Fresh Red Admiral
This Red Admiral (Vanessa atalanta) butterfly is as fresh as you can get! Having emerged probably earlier this very day, the photo does not do it justice as it was both so black and so vibrantly red/orange in a way that is impossible to capture in one shot. Lenses have limitations that nature does not.
Read MoreSnowberry Clearwing Moth (Hemaris diffinis)
There are still clearwing moths on the wing, and in the last couple of weeks I have actually seen a number of Snowberry Clearwing Moth (Hemaris diffinis) like this one. When there are so many individual flowers to feed on they are all the more difficult to photograph with fast movement back and forth…here, there and everywhere! I thought the reflection of the sun being visible here in those rapidly beating wings was especially cool. Sightings like this underline the importance of having pollinator plants that are blooming and full of nectar during all parts of the warm season. Spring,...
Read MoreBlack Swallowtail Dancing
The Black Swallowtail (Papilio polyxenes) butterfly photographed here looked to be dancing in the wind while still nectaring – talented insects!
Read MoreBumblebee & Beetle
One of the many, many bumblebees in my yard looked just off. When I caught it for a closer look, it had a hitchhiking beetle attached to one of its antenna! These flower beetles (Antherophaga sp.) feed on flowers as adults, but their larvae feed on detritus inside bumblebee nests. Apparently, the easiest way to get from one place to the other is to latch onto a passing bumblebee and go along for the ride! Who knew? Photographed for the Meet Your Neighbours global biodiversity project and the Roger Tory Peterson Institute of Natural History. Twan Leenders RTPI President
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