Monarch Movement
As we press on into October it becomes all the more vital for Monarch butterflies to hurry up and head to the south. The weather may feel lovely this week with sunny skies and temperatures in the 60s and 70s, but as Yogi Berra said, it is getting late early. The results of tagged Monarch butterfly studies have shown that those individuals that migrate earlier have a better chance of reaching the wintering grounds. Every week that passes at our higher latitudes in the United States means it will be more difficult for those currently passing through to survive the journey. At least right now...
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I am in the enviable position of staring at around ten or twenty different Monarch butterflies each day, at least. I have a good running impression of them by now, so when I see a unique individual it strikes me instantly. This female Monarch seemed to be very large, though the scale does not show that well in these photos. I watched her feeding, moving about the goldenrod, and flying around a bit, all with the same larger than typical feeling. Scott Kruitbosch Conservation & Outreach Coordinator
Read MoreMonarch Monday
Happy Monarch Monday! If you have any goldenrod growing near you now is the time to check it out as the butterflies are pouring to the south. They have to get a move on now as we near October and the air grows chillier.
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It is becoming more and more apparent that what pollinators need are more of their plants, and without chemicals! The Monarch butterfly needs milkweed like this in fields and grasslands across America. If you have open space like this please try to do your best to keep them unmowed, unpolluted and full of milkweed plants next year. Manicured and toxic lawns are wastelands for our insects.
Read MoreMonarchs & Monarchs!
Keep the Monarchs coming! These “fall” cold fronts with helpful north winds will be pushing them to migrate just like the birds, so if you have not seen any lately you may end up with some very soon.
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