Black-and-white Warbler
I finally took some good photos of Black-and-white Warblers (Mniotilta varia) over the last few days as the species is peaking as a migrant in the Northeast. These stunning little birds never stop moving…and they move like a nuthatch, creeping and crawling along branches, vines and tree trunks for various insects and spiders. This nonstop motion makes them a difficult clean capture as their photos often end up a little blurry. At least this guy – while still not paying me any attention – paused for a moment or two while searching for prey on Sunday morning. I found an even...
Read MoreWhite-throated Sparrow
I recently caught this White-throated Sparrow (Zonotrichia albicollis) in the middle of a meal… …which it seemed to try to hide from me until gulping it down. Their whites and yellows are much bolder right now than those that winter with us as they conclude their spring migration. In some cases you may have White-throated Sparrows year-round with some birds that overwinter at your house and head far north into Canada for the breeding season while other individuals move in to our area from even further south and nest relatively close to us in New York, Pennsylvania, and...
Read MoreWorm-eating Warbler (Helmitheros vermivorum)
I was thrilled to find and then get great views of this Worm-eating Warbler (Helmitheros vermivorum) singing and feeding earlier today. I first heard its insect-like trill of a song from along a steep, rocky slope in the forest featuring a lot of vegetation in the understory – precisely what they want for the breeding season. We in the Northeast are at the northern edge of their range, and finding the uncommon birds can be difficult. Worm-eating Warbler populations are said to be stable, but they certainly do decline and increase in certain regions depending on local conditions....
Read MoreGreat Egrets Return
Here we have one of the many returning Great Egrets seeking out our ponds, lakes and shores throughout the Northeast. This one, photographed last weekend, was in the middle of gulping down a snack. Our weather looks to be improving towards warmer and more typical conditions soon. Perhaps we can say goodbye to snow and freezing temperatures, making life for these birds – and their prey – that much easier. Egrets are a beautiful sight, and one of those species that even the non-birder recognizes and enjoys seeing back in our waters.
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It took more than 20 years, but I finally got to see a living Tantilla supracincta! For some reason I would come across these only after they got run over in traffic, or macheted to pieces because someone thought it was a venomous coral snake. This is a minuscule snake – this one measured less than nine inches – and even though it has some venom to subdue its (probably far more venomous) centipede prey, it is perfectly harmless to humans. Happy the curse has been lifted! Twan Leenders RTPI President
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