Radar Migration August 29, 2016
Today’s cold front cleared the Northeast region, and tonight’s light north winds are predictably pushing migrant birds to the south. Wake up early to spot some songbirds, head to the beach to sight the shorebirds, or pop out midday to see some raptors moving south on the diurnal winds. Good birding to you, autumn lovers!
Read MoreLittle House Wren
Hey little House Wren (Troglodytes aedon), time to get out of here soon! The August migration clock is ticking…and it will be a good time to fly for many birds after today’s cold front. Get outdoors in the next few days to see what has arrived in the morning or to watch the skies for migrant raptors in the afternoons.
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I recently found this calm, cool and collected Red-tailed Hawk hanging out over a pond and not minding a few gawkers like myself passing by for a look and a photo or two. Some birds are just more habituated to humans than others, and this one was content to sit here peacefully – even the songbirds were not paying it any attention. Occasionally it would look down at the frogs below, perhaps pondering about having them as a snack or looking for a snake. For the most part mammals are the biggest part of the menu for them, and maybe this bird was being inquisitive more than anything else....
Read MoreIntern Night Tonight – May 4, 2016
Please join us at RTPI on Wednesday May 4 from 6-7pm for a night of fun and learning as we enjoy presentations from two of RTPI’s fantastic interns. Alex Shipherd and Bryce Alexander, both Jamestown Community College students, have spent much of the spring semester assisting in winter raptor and hemlock woolly adelgid studies, respectively. Throughout the winter field season, Alex monitored known locations of roosting Northern Harriers and Short-eared owls within Chautauqua and Cattaraugus Counties while using GIS to find other probable locations in which they may occur. Bryce assisted in...
Read MoreIntern Night – May 4, 2016
Please join us at RTPI on Wednesday May 4 from 6-7pm for a night of fun and learning as we enjoy presentations from two of RTPI’s fantastic interns. Alex Shipherd and Bryce Alexander, both Jamestown Community College students, have spent much of the spring semester assisting in winter raptor and hemlock woolly adelgid studies, respectively. Throughout the winter field season, Alex monitored known locations of roosting Northern Harriers and Short-eared owls within Chautauqua and Cattaraugus Counties while using GIS to find other probable locations in which they may occur. Bryce assisted in...
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