Raspberry Flower
Doesn’t this look delicious? Well, not quite yet, but it will be. Here’s a close up look at a soon to be raspberry. When you are out wandering through nature be sure to take the macro view of things whenever you can. You might discover some very tiny and rather hidden little surprises.
Read MoreJapanese Beetle (Popillio japonica)
This week is invasive species awareness week. There are plenty species to highlight in just one short week, but here’s one that seems to be particularly prevalent this time of year. The Japanese Beetle (Popillio japonica) is easily recognized by the characteristic rows of pale hairs on its abdomen and can be found in dense concentrations on a variety of fruit-bearing plants. Anyone growing blueberries, raspberries or blackberries can attest to how much damage they can do in a short period of time, if left unchecked!
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