Baby Snapping Turtle
It’s ‘Meet Your Neighbours’ Monday! Here we have a baby Snapping Turtle (Chelydra serpentina) – photographed by RTPI president Twan Leenders in Jamestown, NY. Most folks are at least somewhat familiar with these short-tempered freshwater turtles, but have you ever seen one so small?
Read MoreEastern Milk Snake
Here we have an Eastern Milk Snake (Lampropeltis triangulum). These snakes are harmless, beneficial constrictors that help control rodent populations in your backyard. In spite of their considerable size (reaching almost 3 ft) and beautiful coloration, they are rarely seen. When cornered, a milk snake may hiss, vibrate its tail tip (imitating a rattlesnake), and even strike at you. However, its bite is harmless. Give them some space and any snake will slither away – likely never to be seen again. The common name ‘Milk Snake’ comes from an old, mistaken belief that the snakes drink milk from...
Read MoreTaking Time for Turtles
The weather is finally warming up in the northeast and the first basking turtles are out. Soon they will start moving towards favorite wetlands or preferred egg-laying sites, risking their lives as they cross our roads. Please slow down and avoid hitting these animals – no matter how tough they may appear, they are no match for a fast moving car. Even straddling a turtle with your wheels will often cause it to hit the underside of your car if you’re moving at a decent clip. Please stop, if you can safely do so, and gently help the turtle cross in the direction it is headed. Many...
Read MoreCanopy Lizard (Polychrus gutturosus)
Here’s a little green for the winter world and the holiday season in the form of a perfect portrait – the Canopy Lizard (Polychrus gutturosus).
Read MoreShort-nosed Vine Snake (Oxybelis brevirostris)
Scary snake? No, singing snake says RTPI President Twan Leenders. Or Short-nosed Vine Snake (Oxybelis brevirostris).
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