Red Admiral
This Red Admiral (Vanessa atalanta) was doing its best job to hide on this fencing, blending in rather well when it was not flashing those bright red orange wing stripes. They have been pouring to the north in the last week, migrating whenever possible in comfortable and calm June conditions. I do not often get to see this side of the species, and I was glad to have a chance to actually see one pausing with all of them floating by. I hope it is having a good trip and things are now looking up. Scott Kruitbosch Conservation & Outreach Coordinator
Read MoreLettered Sphinx
This is a Lettered Sphinx (Deidamia inscriptum) moth, resting out of the way on a warm and sunny spring day. It probably looks like a dead or decaying leaf to predators with jagged edges and all of that brown.
Read MoreAmerican Oystercatchers Relaxing
American Oystercatchers have been pairing off across Connecticut, and a few sites and birds have been reported as copulating. However, like the Piping Plover, we still have no confirmed nests likely because of the continuing cold conditions at times. With the warm-up of the last few days and late April coming there will be eggs soon. Until then these birds were relaxing on the beach out of the wind and tucking in their bills for a midday nap.
Read MoreRing-necked Duck Hiding
If you take a look at the center of this image you will find a drake with a black back and darker gray wings than those surrounding it. This is a Ring-necked Duck taking a snooze with Greater Scaup. Even sleeping ducks like these offer a lot of examination possibilities and some unexpected identifications. You could always find a few feathers out of place on one of their heads and come up with a Tufted Duck as well!
Read MoreWillets in Waves
These Willets were enjoying the warm waters of Florida’s western shore, resting and preening when Twan photographed them. The birds certainly must be pleased to be in the Gulf of Mexico as opposed to say, the Gulf of Maine right now, but they will be back here soon.
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