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Posts Tagged "Sachatamia ilex"

Ghost Glass Frog (Sachatamia ilex) by Twan Leenders

Posted on Mar 14, 2014

Ghost Glass Frog (Sachatamia ilex) by Twan Leenders

Here’s another shot of a Ghost Glass Frog (Sachatamia ilex) by Twan, this for Meet Your Neighbours.

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Ghost Glass Frog (Sachatamia ilex) by Twan Leenders

Posted on Mar 10, 2014

Ghost Glass Frog (Sachatamia ilex) by Twan Leenders

We’re back from a successful research trip to the Rara Avis Rainforest Reserve in Costa Rica with a group of hard-working and dedicated high school students from Litchfield, CT. There are many stories to tell and highlights to relay: we banded neotropical migrants, discovered rare frogs, tracked exotic mammals, extracted many miles of spider silk. Details will follow soon. For the time being, here is a picture of one of my personal favorite denizens of the Rara Avis forest, the Ghost Glass Frog (Sachatamia ilex), to give you a taste of some of the amazing animals we work with.

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