Horned Lark in HD
This Horned Lark (Eremophila alpestris), a bird of open fields, grasslands, shrublands, desert, tundra and coastal plains, was being friendly while enjoying sitting on this dune at a beach on a cold winter day before resuming foraging.
Read MoreSanderlings (Calidris alba) by Scott Kruitbosch
These Sanderlings (Calidris alba) were feeding along the gentle waves of Long Island Sound today in Stratford, Connecticut. Note that the bird on the far right has a silver federal band that I unfortunately could not read. They were part of a group of over 100 combined Sanderling and Dunlin (Calidris alpina). The two species are typically found together in Connecticut through the winter but I was excited to see any shorebirds and many other spring waterbirds will be arriving shortly.
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