American Oystercatcher
I have been posting a lot about Piping Plovers in our work for the Audubon Alliance for Coastal Waterbirds, so I thought I should give our American Oystercatcher friends some love, too. After all, who doesn’t like their look? Even the average beachgoer takes note of this beautiful bird and its bold bill. Unfortunately a lot of storms and high tides have washed a number of Oystercatcher nests away from our beaches in Connecticut this spring. However, those that lost their eggs have been re-nesting. Our early totals are extremely promising despite these weather difficulties. We have hope...
Read MorePiping Plover Hatchling
This is a Piping Plover hatchling – only a few days old – foraging on the beach with its parents and siblings. The NBA has a campaign called, “This Is Why We Play”. This photo exemplifies why WE advocate, educate, and conserve species and their habitats in collaboration with the Audubon Alliance for Coastal Waterbirds. It is often difficult work in a challenging field for our staff and our volunteers. While we can sometimes lose sight of the bigger picture, this photo of a little bird reminds us that our efforts are all worthwhile. Please keep spreading our...
Read MoreWildLife Guards Crew Leader Positions – Three 2017 Job Openings
Related to RTPI’s work with Audubon Connecticut in the Audubon Alliance for Coastal Waterbirds is our partnership on the Bridgeport WildLife Guards project: RTPI is once again teaming up with Audubon Connecticut to run the 2017 WildLife Guards program, which trains, mentors, and employs 12 local high schools students and three crew leaders who monitor nesting birds and engage visitors, families, and friends about two of Connecticut’s most important beaches and their wildlife. The WildLife Guards offer unique activities for children like...
Read MoreClean Our Shores
As our Audubon Alliance for Coastal Waterbirds season enters the nesting period here on the Connecticut coast we ask that when you visit a beach you please keep in mind the same ideals that you do whenever you are immersed elsewhere in nature – leave nothing but footprints, take nothing but memories. We successfully share the shore with the various endangered nesting species, such as this Piping Plover, each year without closing off entire beaches for months as some other states do. Our work, and the health and success of our birds, is helped greatly by beachgoers taking their trash...
Read MoreAAfCW 2017 Scheduling, Dates & General News
Good afternoon all! This is a general update for all of our devoted volunteer shorebird monitors and caring conservationists everywhere. Our first Piping Plovers arrived back in Connecticut at Milford Point on Monday. However, the blizzard and now potentially more snow this weekend will keep others to the south, and any birds that have already arrived will be strictly foraging. It should be some time before we see any nesting activity, and we can continue to prepare until we officially begin monitoring in April. Please submit your monitoring schedules to us at so we...
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