Red-breasted Nuthatch Invasion
Who turned the Red-breasted Nuthatch (Sitta canadensis) switch on? The most noticeable trend thus far in this autumn migration has been the appearance of Red-breasted Nuthatches all over the place in the Northeast. Birders have reported them at migratory hotspots, in yards where they are not resident, and even noticeable increases in abundance at locations where they are found year-round. While I have enjoyed hearing their nasal, honking calls and seeing them frantically dashing overhead from tree to tree, I was not able to adequately photograph any of these arrivals until this past weekend....
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Have you seen any more Red-breasted Nuthatches than usual at your feeders or in your area? I have not seen many as of yet this fall, and this photo is from a previous winter. It seems unlikely that we will have more than average in many places in the Northeast this autumn and winter, and we will be without an irruption. During some of their major movements there are often birds heading south middle of the summer, even July, with the returning earliest warblers. Scott Kruitbosch Conservation & Outreach Coordinator
Read MoreRed-breasted Nuthatch (Sitta canadensis) by Twan Leenders
Be sure to stock your feeders this morning as more snow is on the way to much of the country with a wintry mess on tap early to end the weekend and a possible significant lake effect snow event for our immediate region in the middle of next week. This Red-breasted Nuthatch, a personal friend of Twan’s, and your local pals appreciate it. There’s not much better than watching these little birds at your home during a snowy day.
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