Pervious Pavement Installation
Pervious Pavement Installation; August 29th – September 8th Billions of gallons of contaminated storm water runoff of impervious surfaces, cause erosion problems and enter our waterways every year. RTPI is installing a test plot of an innovative 3-part system of pervious pavement, storage aggregate, and bio-remediation agents that contain, treat, and reduce storm water runoff. Our main facility will be closed during this time as we install a new art exhibition, but we are excited to reveal both beginning in the following weeks!
Read MorePiping Plover Monitoring
This Piping Plover may be asking, “What do you plan to do about beach conservation today?” as we continue our nonstop work to help monitor and protect them, the American Oystercatcher, Least and Common Terns, and more imperiled waterbird species that nest in Connecticut. It has been a difficult stretch of weather for us in the Audubon Alliance for Coastal Waterbirds (Audubon Connecticut and the Roger Tory Peterson Institute of Natural History), and we have a ton of field work, outreach and education to get done with a limited staff. We have nests that have been washed out by...
Read MoreWinter Tour Wrap Up
This past winter certainly was an interesting one! With swinging temperatures and sporadic snow storms, much of the area was pretty barren for a majority of the winter season. However, when snow came it was often just enough to get trails prepared and open for snowmobile, ski, snowshoe and foot traffic to pass through. During these short spurts of activity, RTPI’s “Nature at Your Fingertips” winter trails cell phone tour got quite a bit of attention as riders and the like explored the area and it’s many fascinating stories. Below you can find a full summary of this...
Read MoreAn Uncommon Experience
It’s amazing how time flies! As promised, I’ve got a bunch to catch you up on from this past winter. About a month ago, I took a drive down to Pennsylvania to join up with a couple of colleagues and friends to adventure into the national forest to check up on some “eagle cams.” It was a cool morning when we jumped into the truck and drove down a number of muddy forest roads to our first destination. As we drove down the road, the tree line dissipated as we neared a clearing. As we crept up to the opening, a sudden take-off of several large birds ensued. One of which I...
Read MoreConnecting with Our Forests
While old man winter seemed to have taken a break this past season, we certainly did not as there was much work to be done! As you likely saw, we spent much of this past winter season getting into the field to survey for Hemlock Woolly Adelgid (Adelges tsugae), an invasive insect threatening our local hemlock trees (Tsuga canandensis) and forests. Throughout the course of our field work and educational outreach programs, we not only had the opportunity to spread the word about this pest in attempts to slow the spread of it into our area, but also had the opportunity to learn a lot more about...
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