Ruby-crowned Kinglet (Regulus calendula)
There has been an enormous southward movement of Ruby-crowned Kinglets (like this one photographed tonight), Golden-crowned Kinglets, Yellow-rumped Warblers, Hermit Thrushes, Song Sparrows and many other sparrow species this weekend. With a cold front passing through the Northeast tonight we will be set up for a sizable push of more migrants tomorrow, especially diurnal. Get outside and find some songbirds in the morning and raptors in the afternoon!
Read MoreJuvenile Red-shouldered Hawk (Buteo lineatus)
This juvenile Red-shouldered Hawk (Buteo lineatus) had landed only moments before I snapped this photo on Monday morning. Oak trees like this one, in contrast to the maple branch you can see, shed their leaves late in the autumn foliage season. As such they are an ideal spot for a young migrant like this one to stop on the way south while staying out of sight. I snapped a few photos of the bird while on the phone with RTPI’s Conservation Technician Elyse Henshaw. By the time we were off and I looked back it was already gone. Ships in the night… Scott Kruitbosch Conservation &...
Read MoreMonarchs massing in migration
This past weekend I visited a prime spot for Monarch butterfly migration: the coastal grasslands of Stratford Point in Stratford, Connecticut. Even four or six years ago one could expect to find hundreds of Monarchs at the site during the peak migratory period. The last couple of years have seen a dramatic collapse in their numbers in many parts of North America. As one of the most visible and widely known environmental disasters of the 21st century the plight of the species has been a subject of discussion for the masses. Thankfully I was able to see a decent mass of Monarchs at this...
Read MoreWood Duck (Aix sponsa)
I photographed this drake Wood Duck (Aix sponsa) from afar yesterday so as not to disturb it. As you can see it is looking right at home in a forested suburban pond. Many duck species are starting to appear more frequently in our area as we enter the autumn waterfowl season. We will be sure to share some of our finds with all of you. What new fall arrivals have you spotted? Scott Kruitbosch Conservation & Outreach Coordinator
Read MoreResting Monarch
This Monarch butterfly was content to take a rest out of the wind for a while. Part of what must make a Monarch’s migration so difficult is that autumn days with warm temperatures are often those that feature a strong southerly flow – precisely the opposite of the direction they’d like. Finding sunny and warm days with a tailwind out of the north is not easy in September or October, especially in the Chautauqua-Allegheny region with lake effect clouds and precipitation even under high pressure. This is before we mention the cool temperatures associated with those...
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