Common Grackle Fledgling
This little dinosaur – er, uh…bird – is a Common Grackle (Quiscalus quiscula) fledgling looking for another bite on a recent morning. The hatchlings and fledglings of so many species end up looking like tiny dinosaurs to me in some ways. For some reason the little Willets (Tringa semipalmata), a large shorebird species, always struck me as a dinosaur with a long neck, long legs and barely any wings. Without their flight ability and all of those feathers many species of young birds seem to be a glimpse of the past. Scott Kruitbosch Conservation & Outreach...
Read MoreSinging Song
This can be the quietest time of the season for some Song Sparrows (Melospiza melodia) as they keep their incessant and resonant voices down after having established territory, found a mate, and successfully built a nest. You do not want to advertise quite as much when there are eggs and young to protect, but sometimes you do have to keep an eye on your property and belt out a tune or two.
Read MoreAmerican Robin Nest
Here is a sweet way to start your Monday – adorable American Robin (Turdus migratorius) fledglings sitting in their nest! It is getting cramped in there…good thing they all popped out and flew to the ground when mom came back with a meal. Stretch those wings!
Read MoreEastern Kingbird
Eastern Kingbirds (Tyrannus tyrannus) take a very long trip to arrive in our fields, grasslands, and farms as they spend their winters in South America. This impressive species is named “Tyrannus tyrannus” for a reason as individuals readily attack nearly any other avian species that is in or around their territory or nest. I found what I presume were two late migrants taking a diurnal break on Friday, and their preoccupation with battling and squawking at one another let me snap a few close photos as these bold birds ignored me. I remember looking at Peterson Field Guides when I...
Read MoreEastern Wood-Pewee
I recently mentioned that we still have flycatchers coming into the region as spring migration wraps up, and even into early June you may find individuals at migratory stopover sites. One such bird was this Eastern Wood-Pewee (Contopus viren), and he provided far better looks here than most do in the depths of the dark forest or higher up in the canopy. Finding him was easy thanks to that “peeeeaaaweeee” call, and he is belting it out in the second photo. Identifying flycatchers by voice makes life so much easier, especially when you cannot always rely on habitat thanks to...
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