Black-bellied Plovers
These Black-bellied Plovers (Pluvialis squatarola) are roosting on the Stratford Point reef balls that were a part of the living shoreline expansion. This has not been an uncommon sight as long-legged waders, ducks, and other shorebirds (a big flock of Dunlin this past Sunday!) have been spending time resting on them at higher tides. It is only the beginning of the action for this restoration with much planned here for 2017…
Read MoreStratford Point Reef Ball Expansion
RTPI provides fee-for-service environmental expertise and capacity to a variety of national organizations. We are currently involved in the long-term environmental clean-up effort of a historic trap and skeet shooting range on the Long Island Sound, carried out by the DuPont Corporation. Our staff monitors potential exposure of dabbling ducks and shorebirds to residual lead shot at Stratford Point, Connecticut, as part of a year-round and ongoing large remediation and coastal habitat restoration effort. This work was primarily conducted around the turn of the century, and it also removed...
Read MoreFemale American Kestrel
This has been one great late fall stretch for raptors for me. Not coincidentally, it has also been a poor stretch for passerines during my survey work, with very little of note apart from common and expected species in low numbers. Snowy Owls, Northern Harriers, Merlins, Peregrine Falcons, Red-tailed, Sharp-shinned, and Cooper’s Hawks have all been providing some great looks or photos. The unfortunately uncommon American Kestrel has even cooperated with this female being seen semi-regularly at Stratford Point. Her she is perched on the flagpole at the lighthouse before zipping off. I...
Read MoreStormy Skies
This late astronomical fall and early meteorological winter has felt a little different than last year’s El Niño conditions to say the least. We are seeing and feeling far more typical weather rather than the much above average temperatures the previous season yielded. Here is a picture of Stratford Point from my archives showing a very stormy sky near sunset in the middle of winter with a fair amount of snow on the ground. How much snow are you looking for this season? We may get plenty across the Northeast and Great Lakes, and that is good news for our “Nature at Your Fingertips”...
Read MoreBanded Peregrine Falcon
Here is a recent flashback story for everyone on this lovely Friday. October is always a terrific month to find all sorts of raptors making their way south for a prolonged migration or dispersing from their nesting area to find acceptable wintering grounds. Peregrine Falcons (Falco peregrinus) continue to rebound from their demise due to pesticides in our region in the last century, taking up breeding sites on skyscrapers in major cities, under bridges on interstates, and even nest box platforms at locations like Dunkirk’s power plant on Lake Erie in our own Chautauqua County. Some of...
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