Singing Song Sparrow
By now you have likely heard the Song Sparrow belting out tunes all day long in the nearly-spring sun. They are really ramping up their advertisements as they return to territories and start seeking mates. Can you feel the spring? You can definitely hear it now!
Read MoreLapland Longspur (Calcarius lapponicus)
I recently took the photo of the flock of birds, including mostly Snow Buntings and Horned Larks, mostly for a record-type shot of a Lapland Longspur (Calcarius lapponicus) mixed in. They were enjoying some exposed grass to feed on with snow still covering so much of the earth. However, when looking at the photo I noticed I actually had two Longspurs, with a second mixed in behind it. They are in the right center of the shot. Thankfully I was able to photograph one of them a few days later while sitting on this roof with a Horned Lark sitting behind it, the heat haze from the strong sun ever...
Read MoreSnowy Shadows in the Sun
The shadows cast by these trees are changing every day as the sun rises in the sky. Winter has a complete and total grip on the region at the moment. Spring may seem like it is so very far away…but it is closer than we think. This white earth will reveal so much life before we know it. These shadows will become cracks in the arctic cover as nature explodes with renewed energy once again.
Read MoreSnowy Owl in Flight
Let’s be honest – this winter has been absolutely brutal! Whether we want to blame this continuous weather pattern on climate change or not, this is not what the climate is supposed to feel like in mid to late February. As the sun keeps rising temperatures keep plummeting with record low minimums at night and record low maximums during the day. The snow keeps coming, and more will be coming this weekend. However, the Snowy Owls have been a bit tougher to find this year than last. Nevertheless, there are many individuals spending their season here in our neighborhoods, which look...
Read MoreSnow Bunting (Plectrophenax nivalis)
This Snow Bunting (Plectrophenax nivalis) was being blown around by the wind, as seen by those feathers flapping in the breeze. It is a beacon of white on beautiful sunny days against the blue sky. Have you been fortunate enough to find any this winter?
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