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Posts Tagged "treat"

Pervious Pavement Installation

Posted on Aug 29, 2016

Pervious Pavement Installation

Pervious Pavement Installation; August 29th – September 8th Billions of gallons of contaminated storm water runoff of impervious surfaces, cause erosion problems and enter our waterways every year. RTPI is installing a test plot of an innovative 3-part system of pervious pavement, storage aggregate, and bio-remediation agents that contain, treat, and reduce storm water runoff. Our main facility will be closed during this time as we install a new art exhibition, but we are excited to reveal both beginning in the following weeks!

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Blue-headed Vireo

Posted on Nov 2, 2015

Blue-headed Vireo

Who said November can’t offer us lovely shades? This beautiful Blue-headed Vireo (Vireo solitarius) looked super today in this cherry tree. Go out and enjoy the relative warmth – perhaps you will be rewarded with late treats like this one!

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White-throated Sparrows massing and feeding

Posted on Nov 5, 2014

White-throated Sparrows massing and feeding

White-throated Sparrows have arrived in tremendous numbers across the region, ready to eat you out of house and home all winter long! Before then, while the grass and earth is still exposed, without being snow-covered or frozen, they can feast on more natural meals. I took a bunch of photos of a few individuals in a group feeding on the lawn last week. There would not be much to chow down on if this were uniformly treated bright, green grass, one species that was chemically induced to look like the perfect lawn. These monocultures are taking up valuable habitat real estate and often consist...

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