What’s Going on in Your Woods? 24th Annual Northwest PA Forest Landowner Conference
24th Annual Northwest PA Forest Landowner Conference February 29th, 2020 Frank G. Pogue Student Center Edinboro University Registration Deadline: February 21st What’s going on in your woods? During this forest focused event, the Roger Tory Peterson Institute will be hosting a table to provide information about Hemlock Woolly Adelgid, the High Allegheny Hemlock Conservation Partnership and how to get involved in protecting our local forests from this unwanted pest. Landowner Conference Brochure – 2020 For more information about the event please visit...
Read MoreAllegheny Outfitters to Host Free Hemlock Tree Conservation Programs
Want to show your love for our local forests? During the week of Valentine’s Day, partners of the High Allegheny Hemlock Conservation Partnership and Allegheny Forest Health Collaborative will join Allegheny Outfitters in Warren, PA for two events focusing on the invasive pest known as Hemlock Woolly Adelgid (HWA) which is threatening our native Eastern Hemlock Trees. On Thursday February 13th, this collaborative will lead a training session at Allegheny Outfitters from 6-7:30pm. And on Saturday, February 15th conservation staff from the Roger Tory Peterson Institute will join Allegheny...
Read MoreHemlock Woolly Adelgid Survey Tutorial
Hemlock Woolly Adelgid (HWA) is an invasive, aphid-like insect originating from Asia which is devasting native Hemlock trees throughout the Eastern U.S. If left unnoticed, an individual tree will succumb to an infestation within a decade. Early detection of this pest is critical to preventing its spread, and RTPI has been collaborating with several partner organizations and a dedicated volunteer force to survey hemlocks throughout our region. This video – produced by Joe Gustafson Photography – provides technical information on how to survey for hemlock woolly adelgid. The stars and...
Read MoreRTPI’s Conservation Technician Attends Silviculture Workshop
Last week RTPI’s Elyse Henshaw had the opportunity to attend a training session offered by the U.S. Forest Service and Penn State Extension to learn about the ecology and silviculture of the Allegheny Hardwood forests. Within the discipline of forestry, silviculture is a standard management practice in which foresters and other natural resource managers control the establishment, growth, health and composition of a forest in order to meet a variety needs for wildlife, recreation, water quality and timber in a sustainable manner. Silviculture is used throughout New York and Pennsylvania to...
Read MoreRTPI to host Chautauqua County Forest Pest Task Force Meeting on September 7th
The Chautauqua County Forest Pest Task Force (CCFPTF) is a volunteer organization of forestry professionals, scientists, natural resource managers, local officials and private citizens. CCFPTF has organized to facilitate a science-based response to the ecological, economic and public safety impacts of invasive forest pests within the forests and communities of Chautauqua County. RTPI will host the next meeting of the CCFPTF on Friday, September 7th from 9:30 am-12:30 pm. Carri Marschner and Nick Dietschler from the NYS Hemlock Initiative will be joining the meeting to discuss the state of...
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