Looking Up
Here is a homework assignment for you to be completed sometime in the next week: Go outside Find a comfortable open, peaceful, natural spot Sit or lay down in the grass, sand, dirt or whatever ground you prefer Look up and do nothing It is beautiful out there, wherever you are. Go soak it in.
Read MoreLeucistic Yellow-rumped Warbler
Here is that unique Yellow-rumped Warbler which I mentioned in a previous post. Can you see what looks different about it? I noticed it naked eye while tracking various subjects in a loose flock through the trees last week including more Yellow-rumps, Black-and-white Warblers, Blue-headed Vireos, and Blue-gray Gnatcatchers. After I got my binoculars on it I realized this bird was partially leucistic, and I quickly raised my camera to snap off a record photo. Leucism in birds is when melanin pigments are produced at less than normal levels or in an unexpected pattern. In this case many of the...
Read MoreYellow-rumped Warbler
Here are a couple more stunning Yellow-rumped Warbler photos while they are looking so fantastic in their spring shades – and right before all the leaves pop out. They’ll be heading out soon as a greater diversity of warblers arrive in our backyards. I did see one unique Yellow-rumped Warbler yesterday that I will feature in an upcoming post… Scott Kruitbosch Conservation & Outreach Coordinator
Read MoreYellow-rumped Warbler
Here it is, the most abundant warbler you will likely see this year – the Yellow-rumped Warbler. In this case the bird was not showing off where it got that name, and instead it fluffed up and shook off for a moment while still watching for prey. There were plenty of flying (and biting!) insects already in the air here in late April, and it along with dozens of others had their fill flitting through the forest canopy. You can also see the leaves beginning to emerge. In a couple of weeks there will be a lot of green across the landscape and views like this one will already be covered...
Read MoreMarch Sunset
This March sunset greeted me with some heat last night featuring stunning colors filling the western horizon…come on, how can you not want to get outdoors and love these lengthening days?! Be sure to get some fresh air this weekend. Scott Kruitbosch Conservation & Outreach Coordinator
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