Daffodil Buds
I snapped this photo of daffodils emerging in the leaf litter in Connecticut on February 25 as I have seen them coming up in several areas at multiple locations. I recalled that I took a similar photo last year and wondered when, knowing this season’s warmth and last February’s historic cold likely meant it was a couple weeks later. Surprisingly it was a full month later on March 25! If the date wasn’t enough of a shock there was also still snow surrounding them then which is very late indeed for Connecticut. We had a taste of winter recently along with a couple of strong...
Read MoreBrown Creeper
Brown Creepers must be the winner in the category of “most calm, friendly and tame birds that are yet the most difficult to get a good photo of” because they stay glued to the tree bark and rarely stop moving, spiraling up and down the trunk. They examine every crevice they can for any small insects or spiders, locking those big feet on the bark and staying steady with their long tail, using that large curved bill to snag their snack. I have plenty of semi-blurry photos of the species and even more that are too dark or obstructed. Today I took out my camera to photograph a few of...
Read MoreHWA Survey – RTPI JCC Woodlot
Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Surveys This winter season we will have a series of field surveys in which the public is invited to join and work alongside RTPI, CWC and JCC researchers, conservationists and professors. As we all know, Western New York winter weather can be rather snowy and cold. Individuals interested in participating in surveys should be prepared for the weather with warm clothing and boots. Snow pants and snow shoes or cross country skis are highly recommended when snow pack is deep. Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Survey: Friday, February 19, 2016 at 1pm Join us as we explore our backyard...
Read MorePink Glow
Last night the sky turned this amazing purple and pink color while the unseen sun set. I was not expecting anything remotely interesting about the clouds in the evening considering we were blanketed with low-level cover from the departing storm. A few minutes after sunset I glanced out the window and saw everything on the ground was covered in this wondrous hue. At first I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me, or I had been staring at the monitor for too long. Nope, not this time – the shade saturated my surroundings and I hurriedly grabbed my camera, swapped lenses, and ran out...
Read MoreHWA Survey: February 12, 2016
This winter season we will have a series of field surveys in which the public is invited to join and work alongside RTPI, CWC and JCC researchers, conservationists and professors. As we all know, Western New York winter weather can be rather snowy and cold. Individuals interested in participating in surveys should be prepared for the weather with warm clothing and boots. Snow pants and snow shoes or cross country skis are highly recommended when snow pack is deep. Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Survey: Friday, February 12, 2016 at 1pm In addition to our South Valley State Forest site, we are also...
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