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Posts Tagged "Vireo philadelphicus"

Curu Wildlife Refuge

Posted on Jan 14, 2015

Curu Wildlife Refuge

Curu Wildlife Refuge is home to endless amounts of trees fruiting with coconuts, mangrove estuaries, and rows upon rows of mango trees that have long since forgotten how to fruit. Amongst one of these patches of mango trees is our other banding station, and tucked along the trails that bisect a unique edge habitat of White Mangrove trees are our nets. We placed the 22 nets strategically so they would bisect the many attributes of this unique habitat. We catch a wide variety of resident species, whose unique attributes and colors blend them into the harsh environment of this unique tropical...

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Philadelphia Vireo (Vireo philadelphicus) by Twan Leenders

Posted on Jan 6, 2014

Philadelphia Vireo (Vireo philadelphicus) by Twan Leenders

Here’s another bird that Sean and Twan netted, banded and photographed in Costa Rica, the Philadelphia Vireo. The species in particular has quite an extensive journey each spring and fall if it is ending up in a place like Costa Rica as the majority of them breed in the Canadian boreal forest. Traveling across the entire United States plus either Mexico, the Gulf of Mexico, or a place like Cuba, then most of Central America from south to north and then north to south again in the spring is no easy feat. Can you imagine what would happen if they came to their traditional winter site and...

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