HWA Training Tonight!
Tonight! Call For Citizen Scientists: Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Training Do you enjoy the great outdoors and want to help protect it? Join us Thursday, January 7th at 6pm for a training session on the Hemlock Woolly Adelgid (HWA), an invasive insect that is threatening our local forests. Find out what damage this bug is causing, what is being done to combat this unwanted visitor and how you can get involved! Questions? Contact Elyse Henshaw, RTPI Conservation Technician, at ehenshaw AT rtpi.org. This winter season we will have a series of field surveys in which the public is invited to join and...
Read MoreHemlock Woolly Adelgid Training & Surveys
Call For Citizen Scientists: Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Training Do you enjoy the great outdoors and want to help protect it? Join us Thursday, January 7th at 6pm for a training session on the Hemlock Woolly Adelgid (HWA), an invasive insect that is threatening our local forests. Find out what damage this bug is causing, what is being done to combat this unwanted visitor and how you can get involved! Questions? Contact Elyse Henshaw, RTPI Conservation Technician, at ehenshaw AT rtpi.org. This winter season we will have a series of field surveys in which the public is invited to join and work...
Read MorePiping Plovers Increasing
We have a lot of tiny Piping Plover hatchlings popping out on beaches across Connecticut right now, but we even have additional pairs and adult birds showing up on territories. These birds may have lost their nest somewhere else, or even a mate, and are searching for new prime real estate and other individuals who have not paired off. Sean took this photo of Milford Point’s eighth (!) pair of Piping Plovers! The entire coast of the town of Milford is one of the best Piping Plover areas in the state, and the birds certainly want to nest there, though there are only so many...
Read MoreWe Didn’t Find Anything…And That’s a Good Thing!
After two months of intensive winter survey work, we found nothing. However, that’s precisely the result we wanted. As you’ve probably seen or heard, this past winter we surveyed several sites throughout the area looking exclusively for Hemlock Woolly Adelgid (HWA), an invasive insect that puts all Eastern Hemlock trees (Tsuga canadensis), the habitats they make up and the wildlife they support at risk. This particular pest is minute, but can bring a tree to its death within a matter of 3-5 years if left unchecked and untreated. In response to this, several organizations, state...
Read MoreAnother HWA Survey
Staff from the Roger Tory Peterson Institute of Natural History, Jamestown Community College and Chautauqua Watershed Conservancy will be surveying high priority CWC properties for Hemlock woolly adelgid (Adelges tsugae), or HWA. This survey will be open for the public to join. We will be meeting on on Saturday, March 21st at the Dobbins Woods Preserve in Ashville at 9:00 AM. Visit http://www.chautauquawatershed.org/ for directions.
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