Bird Migration on Radar – March 31
Here is a radar grab of the eastern United States from just after midnight today with light bird migration occurring from the deep south all the way through Maine. A warm front had lifted through the Northeast while areas of heavy rain and thunderstorms associated with a soon to come cold front stretched across the Midwest. Areas near Georgia into the Carolinas and Delmarva appear to have had moderate migration occurring. At this time of the year we have everything from ducks to wintering friends like the Dark-eyed Junco to early arrivals like Pine Warbler, both kinglets, Chipping Sparrow,...
Read MoreYellow-rumped Warbler
This Yellow-rumped Warbler (Setophaga coronata) was sitting in the shade while feeding and soaking in the shades of this stunning fall foliage. The sunlight left a vibrant glow of leaves on the bird’s feathers showing us the definition of autumn beauty.
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This is the all too rare photo of a Yellow-rumped Warbler without any yellow or rumps involved. We certainly have a lot of red and some blue to highlight the drab but stately shades of this individual Setophaga coronata, one of many millions of the species on the way south right now. Perhaps a few will decide to stay into the winter in a patch near you.
Read MoreBlack-throated Blue Warbler (Setophaga caerulescens)
For those of you that guessed Black-throated Blue Warbler for our confusing fall warbler question, you would be correct! As you may have noticed both the prior photo and this photo of the Black-throated Blue Warbler features them in-hand after receiving a small silver band on one of their legs. While the birds migrate from the northeast, upon their return and possible recapture, ornithologists can gather a great deal of data as to where the birds may have traveled to, whether they return to the same breeding grounds year after year as well as what their overall state of health appears to be....
Read MoreFun with Confusing Fall Warblers
As fall bird migrations are now in full swing, I thought it would be fun to see how well you know your confusing fall warblers. We have this little beauty below that can be a little challenging to properly identify. Taking a closer look at the white marking on the wing, the cream-colored stripe above the eye, and the white lower eyelid, what do you think it might be? I’ll give you a hint, while in breeding plumage the males have a lovely slatey blue body and very distinct black face, throat and flanks. They inhabit forest interiors while in their summer breeding grounds and munch on...
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